Polished Type - Gallet / Palm Stones
Gallets (galet./pronounced Gallay means pebble) are NOT tumble stones...not even close. A Gemstone gallet is an individually selected piece of A grade raw material of any kind (usually the best material available) that has been individually shaped by hand and machine, rounded and polished perfectly. Rather than being just a piece of some or other coloured stone, they are patiently and carefully made laboriously one by one, not by the ton. It is an individual item than can be treasured and stand by itself as a unique item. They are made as all sizes of freeform but they are usually polished into a flattish rounded larger or smaller palm sized piece to fit into your hand. We know from experience with our own retail shops over the years that we sell 10 times more Gemstone Gallet's than we do large tumblestones. Most of our customers do. as well. Tumblestones tend to have have cracks and flaws (especially the larger stones) and are average material, whereas people want something to hold or play with of quality. We have made Gallets from many materials, Labradorite, Carnelian, Rose Quartz, Fluorite, Smokey Quartz, Blue Smithsonite, Chrysacolla, Fluorite Rock Crystal, Ocean Jasper, Citrine, Tiger Eye, Amethyst, Septerye, Blue Calcite, Matrix Dioptase, Matrix Ajoite, Pharoah stone, Stichtite, Sugilite, Pietersite, Malachite, Shattuckite, Petrified Wood, Girasol, Sodalite, Ploychrome Jasper, Blue Agate, Stromatolite, We are looking at making Mtorolite (Emerald Chrysophrase) at the moment. They are beautiful and will continue to try and Gallet any beautiful new material that may arise!!.
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